To be able to imagine one’s own future, inspiration is critical. At Bishmizzine High School (BHS), inspiration was all around me. My future was clear to me and could not be but bright. Inspiration at BHS is multifactorial:
History: How can it be otherwise when one is submerged in a tradition of success and excellence. The school that created giants across generations naturally sculpts achievers. The spirit of competitiveness and the trajectory of fame that the countless predecessors have set forth for newcomers, lead only to one place, the peak of success for those who seriously identify with such values. This history at BHS is eternal and highly contagious, and like many others, I was stung by it, the poison of which has no remedy.
Teachers: The teachers at BHS are highly competent, caring, and dedicated pillars. I was lucky to be touched by many of them that helped shape my future. Top in their league, they could not teach anything else other than perfection. Their words and instructions still echo in my ears after all these years. They taught me by example. I still hope, that one day, I can be as professional and dedicated as they were. Their fatherly character taught me empathy and devotion, two virtues that are critical to my profession, sometimes even more critical than medical expertise.
Colleagues: Being such a leading force in education in the region and the country, BHS attracted the crème du la crème of students, the brightest and most driven. The competition was so healthy and powerful and led to record breaking achievements. I believe that my colleagues made my achievements better. Those ahead of me were role models and those in my class made me driven by their smartness and achievements. They were never stingy in their guidance and were a main source of inspiration always pulling me upwards and onwards.
Village: Bishmizzine village is a factory for the production of giants. The world renown figures from this village are numerous. Their names are all over the world and in all domains. This created momentum not only for Bishmizzinians, but also for the school. Growing up in Bishmizzine hearing about and meeting many of these big names, going to the same school as them where their spirits are embedded, in addition to the continuous support of my family members, who were friends with many of them often encouraging me by several of their success stories, created like a magnetic field and a perfect recipe for my success. It is hard to fail under such forceful influences, to which I attribute my achievements.
I feel privileged and honored to have studied at BHS, the school that inspired me and, like many others, molded my future of success.
Dr. Nicola Ghazi
Vitreoretinal diseases and surgery /Ocular pathology and oncology
Department Chairman, Posterior Segment Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi